Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like....

Christmas around here!!

First off, let me say that I am FINALLY starting to feel like a human again.  I have had this horrible sinus infection for about 3 weeks and now that I'm half way through with my second half of antibiotics, I think they are finally starting to work!!

Ok, so why is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here?!?!?  Nope, no snow in Kansas yet!!

Here's my top 10 list of why I think it's beginning to look like Christmas...

10.  I had to pull out the boys' heavy winter coats today... don't think we are going to get by on the fleece anymore!!

9.  Our heater actually kicked on during the day!  We leave it set at 63 so it's kicked on at night a few times, but yesterday was the first time it kicked on during the day!

8.  There are very few leaves left on our trees!!

7.  We receive at least 3 magazines/catalogs in the mail everyday (none of which I signed up for, I think?!?!?)

6.  Everytime I log onto ebay there is a countdown till Christmas - FYI... as of today there are 41 days!!

5.  My children have started cutting apart every single magazine we have received in #8 to make a pictorial list of what they want for Christmas.

4.  Every store I have been into this week has all of their Christmas decorations out (a couple have even been playing Christmas music).

3.  The invites to the holiday parties have started appearing.

2.  Thanksgiving is in a week and a half!!

1.  I have started posting Christmas decorations and gifts in my etsy shop... SkinnyJenny Etsy shop


  1. Hope you overcome that nasty sinus infection real soon! Those are a bugger! I can't believe it's only 41 days until Christmas. Time for a panic attack!:-P Off to check out your Etsy shop!

  2. Hope you feel better real soon, I have never had one of those, but I hear it is not nice.
    Looking like Christmas here we got over 6 inches of snow.
